Governor Carney established the health care spending and quality benchmarks in Executive Order 25, issued on November 20, 2018. The full implementation manual below contains the technical and operational steps that the Delaware Health Care Commission (DHCC) and the Delaware Economic and Financial Advisory Council (DEFAC) Health Care Spending Benchmark Subcommittee (DEFAC Subcommittee) will need to take to implement Executive Order 25. The full manual contains the methodologies for setting the health care spending and quality benchmarks, and the methodologies for calculating performance against the benchmarks. It also contains the technical specifications for data reporting and collection. The Executive Summary contains the highest level articulation of a very detailed process.
- Benchmark Implementation Executive Summary
- Benchmark Implementation Manual
- Attachment 1: 2018 Massachusetts Health Care System Annual Report
- Attachment 2: Total Health Care Expenditure Databook Sample
- Attachment 3: Medicare Expenditure and Enrollment Data
- Attachment 4: Benchmark Timeline
- Attachment 5: Spending Benchmark Performance Submission Template
- Attachment 6: Quality Benchmark Performance Submission Template
- Attachment 7: DMMA Spending Benchmark Performance Submission Template